Hello! Blooming Canvases is going to be my place to collect and organize the chaos that is my mind.

I am a full time wife, mother and web designer/developer. I’ve never been big on being “domesticated” – cooking, cleaning, organizing, etc – but becoming a mom has taught me that those skills aren’t all so bad, and many are very necessary! I’ve found some ways to feel like I might be good at these daily tasks, or maybe just ways to fake it!

It seems that just about everyone has a blog these days, so my blog likely won’t be unique or special in any way. I find that hearing about others’ experiences has taught me so much about who I am (and likewise, who I am not) – so my main hope for this blog is to share my experiences with others in the hope that they can find some encouragement from my journey. If I can do it – anyone can!



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